
Dear visitors of our site!

The sphere of activity of Ufa International Airport is passengers transportation, namely handling of arriving and departing passengers and aircraft. We want to draw your attention to the fact that a demand to provide special assistance to passengers with disabilities needs to be notified by the following phone number: +7 (917) 435-53-56, as well as to inform the air carrier whose services you are going to use. This will help to prepare the most comfortable services at Ufa International Airport.

All questions and complaints regarding the operations with tickets (including their cost and purchase options), loss or damage of baggage, flight delays and other similar messages with the same content should be sent to the airline which services you have used or planning to use.

Please be informed that Ufa International Airport does not provide services for processing of parcels and goods and does not consult on the procedure of entry and departure from or to Russia, visa applications and customs formalities.

Please be advised as well that messages we receive through the feedback form of Ufa International Airport website are processed within 30 calendar days. If the matter requires an urgent response, you should contact the airport information service by calling the following number: +7 (347) 229-55-00. You can also get prompt assistance by phone, the numbers are available in Contacts section of our website.

It is very important for us to know your opinion about our services and airport functioning, the quality of our staff.

Personnel of Ufa International Airport is attentive to your requests and we do our best to use your opinion to improve quality of our services.

We are always glad to see you at Ufa International Airport!

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