Border control

The rules of entrance and departure are defined by the Federal Law “On procedure of the departure from the Russian Federation and of entrance into the Russian Federation”

Passport Information

The main documents that prove identity of the citizen of the Russian Federation and give citizens the right to leave or enter the Russian Federation are:

  • passport;
  • diplomatic passport;
  • service passport;
  • seaman’s passport (seaman’s ID);
  • certificate on return to the country of citizenship.

A citizen of the Russian Federation can not be deprived of the right to enter the Russian Federation. In case if the citizen of the Russian Federation has lost the passport (diplomatic passport, service passport, seaman’s passport) beyond the borders of the Russian Federation or if the passport expires, the corresponding diplomatic representatives or the consular office of the Russian Federation gives him/her a temporary document that proves his/her identity and gives the right to enter (return to) the Russian Federation.

A foreign citizen is a person, who is not the citizen of the Russian Federation and has a document that confirms his foreign citizenship.

Foreign citizens can enter and leave the Russian Federation with Russian visa and valid documents that prove their identity and accepted by the Russian Federation as such, except as specifically set forth in the international agreements of the Russian Federation. Foreign citizen fills out the migration card, which should be given together with the document, which proves foreign Citizen’s identity to the official of the body of passport control in the access gate through the State border of the Russian Federation.

On crossing the State border of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation must followed by least with one of the parents and can leave the Russian Federation using his/ her own foreign passport or being inscribed into the parent’s foreign passport, in this case the photo of a child under 6 years old is obligatory. Together with this the child’s photo and the settlement of children inscribed into the passport must be sealed by the body which issued the passport. Parents who leave the Russian Federation with the minor children and have passports with different last names are advised to have documents stating the relation degree (birth certificate).

If an minor citizen of Russia leaves the Russian Federation without parents, adoptive parents, trustees or tutor, he/she must have a notarized issued of the mentioned above for the departure of an minor citizen of the Russian Federation supported by the dates of departure and state(s) he/she is going to visit. The consent from one of the parents is enough, unless the second parent manifested the non-agreement for his/her children’s departure.

Visa Information

It is identified by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No.335 of June 09, 2003 “About the setting of provision on establishment of a form of the visa, an order and conditions of its registration and delivery, extension of term of its action, restoration it in case of loss, and also an order of cancellation of the visa”, and also the International treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation.

Below you can read the list of laws and rules, which contain the useful information to the passengers, who pass the border control.

  • The act of the Russian Federation “About frontier”;
  • The federal law of the Russian Federation “About an order of departure from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation”;
  • The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 310 of May 26, 1997. “About the approval of the instruction about an order of registration and issue of passports to citizens of the Russian Federation for departure from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation”;
  • The federal law of the Russian Federation “About an order of departure from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation”;
  • The federal law of the Russian Federation “About a legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”.

Official website of the Border Service of the Russian Federation —